
An administrative office in Nile for 800,000 less than the current company price

An administrative office in Nile by Partner Resale. The current unit price at Nile Company is 3,460,000 EGP for a 58 square meter space. This price is 800,000 EGP less than the company's current price. Required payment: down payment + premium, with remaining installments of 1.5 million EGP over five years. Maintenance deposit is 210,946 EGP. First installment due in December 2023


2,579,104 EGP

Type Administrative

City New Capital

Floor 32

Price 2,003,984

Over 500,000

Unit Area 58 م/m

Down Payment 500,000

Total Price 2,579,104

Installment Value 75936

Payment Method every 3 months

Remaining Installments 1503987

Years Installments Remaining 5

maintenance deposit 0

club 0

garage 0

Delivery Later

finishing type Fully Finished

Payment Type Installments

Our Facilites
